What Not to Say to a Pregnant Mom



I am currently 40 weeks pregnant with our fourth baby as I write this post. I had debated writing it at all, because I didn’t want to appear like I was being overly critical, but I think it needs to be shared.

Please know that I am able to laugh about these experiences now, but at the moment some of the comments truly stung. With all of that being said, here is what not to say to a pregnant mom.

1. “Wow, you’re huge!”

Seriously, when did it become socially acceptable to call someone “huge?” Trust me, I am fully aware of my continuously growing belly. I’m 5’2 and built petite, there’s nowhere else for the baby to go other than out. I haven’t been able to see my toes in months, and I don’t need a reminder of that fact.

2. “Are you sure you’re not having twins?!”

I am sure. Trust me, with the technology we have these days I would be fully aware if I was carrying twins. I’ll laugh along with you though like it’s the first time I’ve heard that joke.

3. “When are you due? Any day now?”

While it’s perfectly fine to ask the baby’s due date, please don’t add the last part of that statement. I had people who thought I was due “any day now” when I still had 3 months to go. It was an awkward situation for both of us.

4. “Don’t you know what causes that?”

We’re all adults, and we all know how a woman gets pregnant. Whether it’s Baby #1 or Baby #4, they both deserve to be celebrated. Children are a gift, not a burden. I got this question a lot with this pregnancy since we will soon have 4 children in our house (ages 5 years old and under). Sure, it’s a little crazy, but it’s the crazy we chose. Please, celebrate with us!

Now, let me share with you a touching experience I had the other day. I was out to lunch with a friend and on our way out the door, a man looked at me and said, “Congratulations!” That was it. One kind and simple word. I was actually taken aback and was waiting on him to say something else, and after an awkward pause on my part, I was able to genuinely thank him. That is what you should say to the next pregnant woman you see… Unless you know her really well, then you should follow that up with offering to rub her feet!

So, what are some of the outrageous comments you’ve received while pregnant? Better yet, what were some of the most thoughtful comments? Let’s hear them!

[pinterest image_url=”https://coastalbend.momcollective.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/What-Not-to-Say-to-a-Pregnant-Mom-PIN.png” count=”horizontal”]


  1. I’m not a mom, but I did enjoy reading this blog. I’ve heard this stuff being said before and I’m sure I’ve said it, but now I will think twice 😉 congratulations Amanda!!!

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