Yes. You ARE a Mom.


There was a time in my life when I didn’t think I would ever hold a baby of my own.

Ever since I was a little girl, all I wanted was to be a mom and a wife. After I became a wife in 2009 we decided to wait a couple of years before having babies. We were completely oblivious to how hard it could and would be to bring a life into the world!

My first Mother’s Day was shortly after I had lost two babies early in my pregnancies and the question resonated in my heart:

“Am I a mother?”

A very timely and thoughtful card came in the mail around those days. My mother in law had carefully selected the words she wrote: “…you ARE a Mom!”. Among many other sweet, thoughtful words that were a balm to my hurting heart. Thank you, Mom!

I know Mother’s Day can be heart wrenching for so many mamas for so many different reasons.

To all of you with that same question in your heart, I want to pay it forward and say: “You too, are a Mom!”

It doesn’t matter if you have lost your precious babies early in pregnancy or if, like me, your first born was stillborn, or if you are battling infertility, or if you are waiting to hear back from an adoption agency, you ARE a Mom! 

Because you carry your babies in your heart.

Because even through the disappointment and heartbreak you continue to fight for them.

Because you are doing EVERYTHING in your power to hold your baby in your arms even though it hurts.

Because you have shed tears of joy and of hurt for them.

Above all because wherever your babies may be you LOVE them them more than life itself  with ALL of your heart and that, my dear, makes you a mom and a beautiful at that!


It is that heart full of love, full of longing, full of care, full of dreams, full of your children (present or future)…it is that heart that makes you a Mama. A beautiful one worthy of being celebrated and pampered. Maybe you don’t feel like a big celebration and that is ok. Do what feels right, take care of yourself and give yourself time to feel what you need to feel for as long as you need.

I truly hope that this Mother’s Day you can find peace even if you are going through hard times. I hope you find support and understanding around you. Please know that you are not alone and that there are many women out there that are going or have gone through what you are going through. Reach out and let’s lift each other up! 

Feel free to contact me if you feel you need support or someone to talk to….You can comment here and I am also a part of the CC Moms Blog Coastal Bend Community + Connection on Facebook.


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Paulina was born and raised in Mexico City. She married her husband, Bruce, in 2009 down in Mexico and at the begining of 2010 they moved to the States. Together they have 4 boys: Evan in Heaven, Ethan 6, Jason 5, and Jackson 3. They moved to the Coastal Bend 2.5 years ago to open Snowie Bus of Corpus Christi. They homeschool the kids and live a very laid back life. They dream of full-time traveling sometime in the not too distant future. Paulina has recently discovered a love of woodworking and kind of accidentally started Coy Woodworks. She also LOVES Netflix, sleeping, slow mornings, unbusy schedules, coffee, Audible, and being indoors! She is an introvert at heart and can spend days at a time at home with no need to go anywhere. The boys not much so she is always on the look out for fun activities and adventures!