
Paulina was born and raised in Mexico City. She married her husband, Bruce, in 2009 down in Mexico and at the begining of 2010 they moved to the States. Together they have 4 boys: Evan in Heaven, Ethan 6, Jason 5, and Jackson 3. They moved to the Coastal Bend 2.5 years ago to open Snowie Bus of Corpus Christi. They homeschool the kids and live a very laid back life. They dream of full-time traveling sometime in the not too distant future. Paulina has recently discovered a love of woodworking and kind of accidentally started Coy Woodworks. She also LOVES Netflix, sleeping, slow mornings, unbusy schedules, coffee, Audible, and being indoors! She is an introvert at heart and can spend days at a time at home with no need to go anywhere. The boys not much so she is always on the look out for fun activities and adventures!
Unconditional Love Crying Child- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

Unconditional Love is for Crying Kids Too

You’re a mom, you’ve been there. No matter how much you swore your kid would never even cry in public, before you had kids. Here you are, in the middle of the store, the mall,...

My Very Imperfect Journey to a Healthier Life

My very imperfect journey to a healthier life started back in 2014. It's not a perfect one by any means but I want to share it anyway. Our second boy was barely 5 months old....

Not as Planned {The Truth About My Birth Stories}

We live in the information era. Information about anything and everything is at our finger tips. It can be a wonderful thing when you are researching the "best cake recipe" or "top 3 presents...

How to Make a Resolution in a Word

Picking a word to set the tone for the new year is not a novel concept. I heard about it on the radio back in 2012 and decided to adopt the idea instead of...

Toys for Christmas: I Say: Why Not?

Toys for Christmas... to buy or not to buy them? That is the question. This seems to be a recurrent topic surrounding Christmas. Everybody has different opinions and techniques to keeping the clutter at bay...
3 Things You Can Do for the Mama Who Lost Her Child- Corpus Christi Moms Blog

3 Things You Can Do for a Mama Who Lost Her Child

October is National Pregnancy and Infant Awareness Loss. Loss is all around us, even more so lately, it seems. However, there are many women who still suffer miscarriages in silence. Many mamas cry silently on...