Mama Tribes {Rescuing the Overwhelmed and Isolated}


It was so easy being a mama of two boys, until they hit their terribles together. Boy #1 started the terribles at age 3 and boy #2 started at age 2. They are 22 months apart, and at that moment, I felt like I was raising twins! Needless to say it turned my world upside down.

Was there something wrong with me? What was I doing wrong in my parenting?  I had relocated from Wisconsin to Texas and felt overwhelmed with all the adjusting. The boys stopped napping, they were throwing tantrums and testing me every minute of every day. I didn’t know what was happening? Was it the move?

I felt isolated. I needed support.


Thankfully, my hubby connected me with another mama whose husband worked the same 24 hour shifts as mine at the fire department. She was odd, quiet, chill, and didn’t care about what anyone thought about her or her parenting style. She showed such confidence in her parenting and won my admiration. She too had recently moved to Texas.

This friend became my best friend. She never cared if my house was a wreck or if the kids and I were still in our pajamas. She didn’t judge. She loved me and my kids. She didn’t love me for being a perfect mom, she loved me for being a real mom.

Heck, sometimes she would come over in her pj’s too. We had each others backs for cleaning house, cooking, taco runs, slip and slide, sick kids, play dates, beach trips, whatever you can think of. We helped each other without hesitation. It was a very good friendship. 

She introduced me to a mom group in Corpus Christi. I was able to connect with many amazing mamas and soon realized that everyone else is going through various trying situations with their own children. I did not feel alone anymore, I was a part of a mama tribe.

It was an amazing community of Coastal Bend women coming together, supporting, and advising each other in every parenting situation, all while our children played together under the supervision of the mom tribe.

Never did I feel the need to justify any of my parenting choices. The support was immense and added eased to my transition. 

We all need a mama tribe in our life to keep us sane. They are the ones who understand sleep deprivation and the times when motherhood is overwhelming and isolating. A mom to have a cup of coffee with while you talk about poo, teething, and how to get the urine smell out of the boys’ bathroom. It helps to have someone to share your struggles and successes with. The mamas in your life that will not judge you, but lift you up and share in your journey.

They are your confidants, your sounding board, your shoulder to cry on, your helpmates. 

Mama, you are not alone, find your tribe! Corpus Christi Moms Blog Neighborhood Groups!